Plymouth City Manager
Current curb-side dining rules stay in effect this year – Parklets to add ‘Vibe’

Apr. 7, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Current patio placement rules will stay in effect this year after the Plymouth City Commission approved new 2022 Outdoor Dining Extension Program and Outdoor Platform Dining Guidelines at their Mar. 21 meeting. Plymouth’s outdoor dining that wasn’t born out of necessity
Study Session to review permanent outdoor dining for Plymouth restaurants

Feb. 15, 2022 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News The Plymouth City Commission will hold a special joint study session today with the Downtown Development Authority, Planning Commission and Historic District Commission to roll-out a proposal for permanent outdoor dining for downtown restaurant and bar customers. The study session is
CSX train cripples motorists Saturday morning

Mar. 3, 2018 PLYMOUTH VOICE. Plymouth Michigan News Plymouth officials again reported that a CSX train was parked across multiple intersections Saturday blocking key crossings and crippling motorists across the city. According to the report concerned ‘persons’ were instructed to call the office of Senator Debbie Stabenow with
Blaze at fire station should be wake-up call

Plymouth City Manager, Paul Sincock July 8, 2013 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. OPINION There were no firemen on duty at the station, or in fact, anywhere in the City of Plymouth which no longer has a full-time fire department. We predicted that there would be an incident that
‘Frosty attitude is puzzling’

Dec. 20, 2012 PLYMOUTH EAGLE. OPINION Next month, after all the holiday events have ended, the decorations come down and been packed away and the gift returns completed, the 31st Annual Plymouth Ice Festival will take place. The event, originally conceived to help businesses during one of the
Angry Plymouth City Manager gets apology from publisher

Dec. 14, 2012 PLYMOUTH VOICE. “I feel bad for my part in turning him into the snarling creature who called me.” Facing Mr. Hyde after offending Dr. Jeykell: Chapter One By: Susan Willett Here’s a hint for a holiday hostesses. Don’t invite Paul Sincock and me to